There are many imaginary lines connecting the poles, but the newest and boldest tracks its way North to its first raison detat on the great southern land. Although the smallest continent, Australia is the largest island, and one place even Time had forgot. All the things we see now Her people had no need of, instead they loved their Motherland for an eternity, infallibly guided by necessity; so their number never exceeded sustainability. Without a beginning or end their Spirit was alive and intrinsically connected to their Mother, where more than one species was allowed to thrive…

The trees stood tall, as elegant wooden sailing ships began to arrive from a small damp island on the other side of the planet, a few to start with, then they came in waves, their holds crammed with people wearing chains – no shortage of hate. This mob had the manners of a maggot; eat, grow, and leave little for any ‘other’ , everything is grist for the mill, fish, crays, seals, whales, penguins, ducks, trees, even rocks out of the ground. 80% of the trees were gone in 200 years, furrious hunger for conquest, fired by a very cunning monetary $ystem that concentrated material wealth into the hands of a ‘chosen few’ – the new mob don’t like to share either.

The mind-space of these ant-like invaders was an enigma to indigenous, living in Dreamtime; of course they’re the same species, but these clever monkeys carried book of symbols representing (real) spoken words. No Lore to speak of because (it) was about change… The book begat an armory of written laws that (nearly) every one had to obey. Their angry Father god created absolutely everything, so they go about raping and pillaging everybody else’s Motherland, leaving little or nothing for ‘others’ or even other species – to the point of extinction! Contradictions abound in their rule of Law, axes and guns on the wings of a dove, another’s land is forged into their empire by word/symbols like ‘tella nullas’ …

The book-religions tell of another perfect world existing somewhere up high, where you are guaranteed a good reception in the ‘afterlife’ provided one accepts what is given and obeys all the laws. To the minds of A free people this was absurd, they already knew that world; they had lived in it for an eternity without any ‘reason’ to find fault… The book was adamant tho, the faith-full knew their god was the only real one because He had the book written especially for their race, within one species – out of millions! Not only this miraculous leap but their God even had a start date for Time, and by extension a use-by date as well… “In the beginning was the word”, but one thing was certain: the more they worked on the text, the more (it) worked on them… Leading right up to the Industrial Ressurection, when those very clever monkeys began to liberate Her precious Carbon locked up in fossil fuels and limestone deposits; ergo ego’s only ‘final cause that could account for the mountain of suffering inflicted. A leap over ‘your’ self!

Next pillar on the new Time line, from the oldest continuosly surviving culture on this old Earth, (it) passes mostly over the open sea until it reaches the islands of Japan. A land of high culture whose inhabitants loved their beautiful islands just as the Australians had; ironically its known that the Ainu of Hokaido are their closest genetic relations… They too had no delusions about any heavenly real estate, and slavery as known in the west and elsewhere, had never existed in Japan. While this could be mere coincidence, that narrative is what a ruling class would want their slaves to believe; and Christianity did originate there… The Japanese like the Australians were a warrior culture, who did not even domesticate animals, living largely from seafood and rice which they grew intensively with a high degree of cooperation. Contingently, even though they have a high population density 90% of their forests are intact to the present day. In fact Buddhism took around a thousand years to migrate there from India, where it evolved into Zen, within a living Human culture that doesn’t follow a single god, instead they recognise a synthesis between man and the fact of Human existence. It takes the form of a Lore beyond the law, which is not infallible or immutable but permeates all Japanese life to assume the status of a faith just as much as the big 3 book-religions.

(thoughts become words, which become actions once We get beyond the !00th monkey…)

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