Having sampled Scotch in Scotland and Champagne in Champagne, we were excited to soon be sipping a little Bordeaux in Bordeaux. I see no pattern emerging at all!
The time came to catch our train from Paris to Bordeaux, we made it to the station in time…..our train was there at the platform. What we didn’t know was that the gates to the platform close 5 or 10 minutes before the train actually leaves. We were unable to board our train and had to re-purchase tickets, and they weren’t cheap!
Sitting in the ticket office, I was pretty ticked off. Service was slow and I was worried we weren’t even going to make the next train. Finally, we begrudgingly bought new tickets and headed to the platform.
We were in carriage 6 and had just stowed our luggage when I had a feeling….. I said to my friend “Where’s my backpack?” She replied, “Did you have a backpack?”
“Yes, I definitely had a backpack!” It dawned on me that I had left it on the floor in the ticket office. What to do?? My friend said “We have time. I’ll stay with the luggage; you run and get the backpack.”
I jumped off the train and in slow, overly loud speech, accompanied by exaggerated hand gestures, I asked the French rail attendant “What time (points to watch repeatedly) does the gate (waves hands back and forth) close? I left my backpack (pulls on imaginary straps) in the ticket office (points urgently in direction of ticket office)”. Lovely rail attendant replies “RUN!!”
So, I ran!
I surprisingly found my backpack on the floor unattended. I scooped it up and ran, weaving through the crowd calling “Excusez moi! Excusez moi”, down to the platform to find the gate had closed.
I think I may have cried a little.
My lovely rail attendant saw my distress and swiped his card, opening the gate for me. I thanked him profusely as I made my way towards our carriage. With urgency, my man…. I call him my man now…. stopped me and practically hoisted me into the first carriage. Not a minute too soon, as the doors closed, and the train pulled out of the station.
Meanwhile, in carriage 6 ….. “Oh f#*k, she’s missed the train….and I don’t even know where we are going!” Did I mention I like to plan everything? I had done most of it for this trip. My poor friend knew we were going to Bordeaux but had no idea where we were staying.
I finally reached carriage 6, and after the big reunion hug, our next destination was unanimous…. ”To the bar!”
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